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Creative Presentation - 60%

5pm Wed 20th May 2015

Your creative presentation will showcase the five overarching principles you believe are paramount for creating a positive classroom environment.


This task enables you to demonstrate your mastery of relevant theoretical knowledge and to critically analyse theory and practice by synthesizing complex information, concepts and applied strategies; thereby generating original complex ideas at an abstract level which are presented in an engaging, creative format.


Your presentation will include:


1         your evolving, personal pedagogical stance.


2         a critique of relevant theoretical models.


3         the deconstruction of your 5 principles from their conceptualized              rationaleto their implications for best classroom practice.


4         knowledge of the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers.


5         detailed examples of how each principle determines classroom                   routines and rituals and conduct expectations and consequences.


6         features of a professional presentation (your submission should                 be engaging,logically organised, articulate and creative).


7         academically credible supporting resources which are correctly                    referenced (using APA 6 style).


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