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Knowledge of the AITSL Professional Standards For Teaching



Teachers have a significant responsibility in preparing young people to lead successful and productive lives. They play a vital role acting as a source of inspiration, whilst providing support and a consistent influence on young peoples lives. “Improving Teacher quality is considered an essential reform as part of Australia’s efforts to improve student attainment and ensure it has a word class system of education” (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards, 2001, p. 2).


The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are a set of guidelines that are grouped into standards that help establish teacher quality. These standards define the roles expected of teachers and structure them to a high standard, this is done to enhance effective teaching in 21st century schools which will ultimately improve educational outcomes for students and enhance wholistic wellbeing through out the schools (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards, 2001).


The standards do this by providing a framework that makes clear the knowledge, practice and professional engagement required across teacher’s careers. They define what teachers are expected to know throughout four career stages: Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards, 2001).


Not only do these standards promote equity and excellence in students ensuring all young Australians become successful learners but they also assist teachers in self reflection, self assessment and provide a guide to help teachers recognise their current and developing capabilities (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards, 2001).    


The Australan Professional Standards fall under three domains: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement. With in this assignment we have been asked to look at just Professional Knowledge and Profesional practice and how the five standards that fall under these two domains are applied in relationship to my five over achieving principles.


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