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Your Evolving, Personal Pedagogical Stance

A teacher has the ability to reach every student. A teacher inspires, encourages, and believes. A teacher realises the potential that every student has. A teacher strives to meet the needs the best they can of all their students (Lyons , Ford , & Arthur-Kelly, 2011).


To teach means to give each student the opportunity to learn. Students deserve to learn and grow in the classroom no matter what their needs are. To teach is to provide all students with equality ensuring that access to high quality schooling is provided that is free from all aspects of discrimination (Barr, et al., 2008).


In order to do these things I believe it is essential for teachers to differentiate their instruction to meet the individual needs of all students. Differentiating instruction is beneficial for all students as it allows each to foster and develop skills that are aligned to their own needs and abilities.


I believe it is important to allow students to become successful learners by giving them the opportunity to explore concepts. Giving students chances to explore will engage and help them become responsible for their own learning.



It is essential for teachers to adopt a democratic approach to guide their students rather than force information upon them. I believe that a teacher’s main goal is equipping and empowering rather than merely transferring knowledge, helping students in learning to learn.  Students are eager and with guidance in the right direction, will seek out and discover knowledge on their own becoming creative, innovative, resourceful and motivated to reach their full potential (Barr, et al., 2008).


As a teacher, I should be able to inspire students in the pursuit of knowledge while recognising that individual situations and motivations vary. I should be able to impart deep learning of principles and not just rote memorisation, critical analysis and creative problem solving instead of mere knowledge of facts (Lyons , Ford , & Arthur-Kelly, 2011).


By letting students explore and discover in the classroom, they will become more confident and creative individuals.

By fostering an environment that encompasses a sense of belonging for everyone students self worth and self-awareness will increase. They begin to become optimistic individuals exhibiting resilience, empathy and respect for others. I believe it is these values that are the forefront in establishing and enhancing a healthy well balanced life and holistic wellbeing for each student (Barr, et al., 2008).  


I believe a successful teacher is constantly learning and searching for new ways to teach a lesson or a concept. An encouraging teacher adapts their lessons and activities on a continual basis to meet the needs of all their students. An inspiring teacher is constantly looking for ways to motivate and engage their students. An unforgettable teacher encourages their students to be lifelong learners through their support, lessons, activities, concerns, advice, guidance, optimism, and through their own love of learning after all “He who dares to teach must never cease to learn” - Richard Henry Dana Jr.


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